A Fast-Growing Agriculture Value Chain Finance Institution
Improve collection efficiency of overdue loan repayments across their loan book
Reduce risk by proactively managing the 15 to 45 overdue days bucket customers
Reduce high risk bucket where overdue is more than 90 days as it impacts their ability to service new customers
Lack of a consolidated view across the collection teams activities covering numerous conversations with the end customers and when are they expected to close the overdue amounts
Establish a collection app with Power App platform that can be quickly integrated with the Power BI system
Data integration between the on-field collection team and collection BI such as any time an EMI becomes overdue, it quickly adds the necessary details to the collection app to track to closure.
Ability for the on-field collection team to document every customer visit and every customer conversation.
Deeper management insight on key collection metrics such as frequency of follow ups , overdue reasons and timely information on overdue slippages.
On field timely updates on customer responses and visits resulting in improved efficiency in the TAT of repayments.
Enhanced evaluation of credit and other features for future loan risk assessment based on timely data from the collection activities.