Are you doing your SEO Right?
According to a Borrel Associates Report, by 2020 companies will be spending $80 Billion on SEO Marketing. All this effort is planned for chasing the holy grail of Digital Marketing i.e the Organic Visitors. And the Competition just gets tougher by the day.
Typically, 3 main models are leveraged by companies today:
– Inhouse SEO Team
– Outsourcing to a SEO Specialty Firm
– Hybrid Model (Best of Both worlds)
Most companies tend to opt for Option 1. They believe it is wiser to have an inhouse team which can be monitored with full transparency. Also, SEO Fundamentals are considered simplistic in nature and hence can be handled by the company itself.
SEO is more difficult than you think. It is an art and a science with no secret sauce ingredient for an absolute success. Many Businesses tend to hurt their Digital Marketing Efforts because of an ineffective SEO Strategy simply because they do not understand what SEO truly is.
In our experience we have seen a marked increase in Companies migrating from the first option to Outsourcing to a SEO Boutique firm. They have started realizing the significant benefits of cost efficiency and Dynamic domain expertise. Outsourcing SEO takes the pressure off & entrusts the process to experts who have dedicated their career to mastering this.
While Outsourcing your SEO may seem to you like a leap of faith, Below are few pointers that you can consider to make an informed decision:
Finally, the decision to outsource comes down to you. You can choose to master it or find a team of SEO experts to outsource it to. If your Business has no clue or has little reliance on Digital marketing or cannot support the hiring of an internal resource based on your budget, should ideally opt for outsourcing to a SEO Boutique firm to quickly receive the necessary skill set and expertise and eventually effective results, while you focus on things that you do best.