
Best practices for better performance of reports on Power BI

Lot of times, when using a huge amount of data, we face the problem of having the visuals on our

Your Power BI Roadmap: An Implementation Strategy

Before we had data analytics capabilities, businesses ran on human intelligence. This means we only operated on who we know,

How to approach a new customer experience with digital technology ?

How to approach defining a new customer experience? The english dictionary defines the noun “Experience” as, an event or occurrence

Digital Marketing Data – the what and so what?

Data in business is becoming critical, and often, it is becoming a competitive advantage. Let us take the example of

How to create a simple data collection app with a few clicks

How to create effective and clutter free visualization?

Data visualization is a technique in which information/data is represented in a pictorial form such as map or graph. It

How to improve your Data Visualization with Annotation in Tableau?

[1] From hoardings to social media to reports to advertising, today’s world is more visual than ever. As our brain

How to perform Pareto Analysis in Power BI

How to get insights from data within 10 minutes using Power BI

So, you have your business data and you want to get “insights” from it? Let’s get busy learning how to

How to create Report page tooltips in Power BI?

Report Tooltip is a classic and smart way of giving detailed information to the data point of power bi visuals.

How can I get data from Power BI dataset via API?

How to do forecasting in Power BI

A company always wants to know what will happen in the future. On the basis of these predictions, they align

How to use Google Trends for Digital Marketing ?

Introduction With an estimated 70,000 Searches per second taking place on Google1, this provides marketers an immense opportunity to gain

How to measure your Digital Brand Awareness?

Color Psychology and its importance in Marketing

Have you ever wondered why most food-related companies employ a warm colour scheme? Take McDonald’s for example, what are the

How to leverage data in HR?

“Business Decision are no longer based on Guesswork” With the help of data you don’t need to rely on anyone’s

What is DAX in Power BI?

DAX stands for Data Analysis Expressions. DAX is a collection of functions, operators, and constants that can be used in

Top 8 HR Analytics Use Cases

What is HR Analytics all about? Have you ever wondered how you could leverage technology in order to find the

How to Change a Data Source for a table in Power BI?

Having worked on Power BI for some time now, I have observed that we come across situations where we need

How to set up an analytics platform leveraging Microsoft technologies for an NBFC?

Typically, a non-banking financial services company will have a very small internal IT team and will be dealing with a

Leverage these 11 SERP features now to Improve Your Rankings!

Introduction: Google’s search engine results pages (SERPs) continue to evolve dramatically. Keeping the consumer’s interest in mind, Google has converted

Not Getting conversions from your PPC Ads!! Review your Audience Targeting Now!

Audience Exclusions – The Untapped Feature Do you know, what is targeting in Google Ad? More specific, Audience Targeting? Let’s

The Magic Of Effective Storytelling With Data

How to Perform Effective Storytelling with Data – It’s now or never! Time is money. And for the impatient time-crunched

How to Create a Bookmark and use it with Button in Power BI?

Suppose your client has a requirement to show a different set of visuals with a “Button Click”. What will you

How To Modernize Your Processes Through Power Apps?

Microsoft Power Apps are transforming business processes by reducing application development time and enabling non-developers to create custom applications. Coupled

How to Protect your Azure Resource from Accidental deletion?

Imagine a scenario where you have put so much effort to make a website live and on the day of

Top 5 Off-Page Factors for Effective SEO

Introduction: SEO is a challenging and continuous journey, however, to maximize your Digital Reach it is critical to managing your

Facing Delegation Limit Issue in Powerapps?- For 500 Records

How can I manage to filter more than 500 records from list? Working with large data sets requires using data

How to Solve Delegation Limit Issue in Power App?-For 2000 Records

How can I manage to filter more than 2000 records from the list? Okay, we have learned in the previous

Are you guilty of these Local SEO mistakes

Are you guilty of these Local SEO mistakes? correct one now! Online Visibility is the crucial factor for local business

Strike the Eye in 2019 with the latest SEO Strategies

Strike the Eye in 2019 with the latest SEO Strategies There is a problem. The attention span of the consumer

Are you doing your SEO Right?

Are you doing your SEO Right? According to a Borrel Associates Report, by 2020 companies will be spending $80 Billion

How to create and leverage Multiple Metrics in Power BI using DAX?

Less is More. Creating a Robust Dashboard with crisp Report visuals is pivotal for quick consumption of relevant data for

Why listening should be a key part of your digital marketing strategy?

One of my friends gave me early lessons in marketing. He said creation gave us two ears and one tongue

How to find Top Values in Power BI using DAX

In the world of speed, the normal paradigm is to present information to your target audience in a creative way

Digital Strategy

What is the recipe for a good digital strategy? With ever increasing Brands fighting for limited consumer time and more

A simple journey on analytics from problem statement to solution

“Let us say that you want to purchase a house in a locality as part of your investments and rent

Tryst with T-SNE

I received an article on what is google upto with AI. It was a discussion on how to visualise highly

Engaging Audience on Social Media and Analytics behind it

With so many Social Media platforms, where number of people engage on day to day basis, it is important for

Microsoft WebMatrix – to manage Azure Web App

In this blog I would focus on a small mistake that can take a lot of time for us to

What can you credit Polynesian skin divers for an invention that revolutionized swimming?

The other day, I asked my 10 year old to cut onions, just to rile her up for fun. In

How to reimagine customer experience

Let us first get our hands around a workable definition of customer experience – let me try to put it

Making a bot with Azure Bot Service

Azure is getting richer day by day, Microsoft has recently added Azure bot service into their pool of services. This

Why data driven marketing?

Digital age is upon us, and our daily living is getting more and more technology enabled. For businesses, this is

Integrating Power BI into Azure Web App

Power BI is a great data visualisation tool, which makes it easy to get insights from the raw data. The

Digital Analytics – Understanding behaviour from Web data

Being online is an imperative for any business today. Businesses are having multiple opportunities to touch their potential customers while

Customer Empathy is key

A friend of mine wanted to explore analytics for a particular branch of a retail chain of grocers. So, I

How to Map Custom Domain to Azure Web App

In my previous blog, I had shown you how to create a azure web app with domain service enabled. if

Digital Marketing Data – how to approach?

In my previous blog “Digital Marketing Data – the what and so what?, I had talked about how having data

Data Analytics Life Cycle : What is it? How to approach?

What? It is a process to understand the data and apply statistics to get insights for a business objective. Approach?

Creating Azure Web App with Domain Service enabled

Domain Service Integration We as an organization have been leveraging Azure platforms as it allows very easy and quick development

Avoiding the Phantom Dot

There are people who invent things. They can dream, conceive and create things that others have not been able to