Why listening should be a key part of your digital marketing strategy?

Why listening should be a key part of your digital marketing strategy?

One of my friends gave me early lessons in marketing. He said creation gave us two ears and one tongue so that we could hear twice as much as we speak.

In today’s digital world I think it multiplies many folds, we should be listening 10 times maybe 100 times more than what we speak.

As a digital marketer first step on your digital journey should be to listen. It can be about your brand if you are in existence for long or about your competition or your category.

Coca Cola’s infamous launch of New coca cola in 1980’s which was widely seen as marketing blunder, generated significant and fierce customer feedback. By listening Coke learned What Brand meant to customers and when the Brand value came from this triggered the re-launch of Old Coke formula.

So why listen?

Listening helps you understand the space you are operating in, set benchmarks. It enables you to define your goals, which are relevant and realistic to create a strategy around it.

Some key points of listening:
1. Listening should be a part of your daily/weekly/monthly goals, it should be a key ingredient.
2. Listening should also be a critical input to your content strategy.
3. Listening provides you with unique opportunity to create relevant content with probability of viral ability.
4. It also provides ideas for fluid content which can go across multiple digital channels

Here is a great example, Domino’s always keeps a close eye on when, what and how consumer is evolving. With ecommerce /delivery platforms picking pace. Dominos reacted fast and launched “Dominos Anywhere”. https://anyware.dominos.com.The goal was to make pizza easy to order and possible from any of favorite tech platforms.



Image credit https://anyware.dominos.com

This not only made purchase easier, but also got them a wide media coverage, which is every marketers dream.

Listening not only helps in key strategies but also in tactical brownie points like the way Mumbai Metro leveraged a twitter campaign. Mumbai Metro has been trying to position itself as best friend of Mumbai citizens. Here they manage to leverage a twitter don’t drink and drive campaign from Mumbai police to their advantage



Image credit https://mumbaimirror.indiatimes.com/mumbai/other/this-friday-mumbai-police-and-mumbai-metro-want-you-to-know-who-is-your-true-friend/articleshow/65719184.cms

Hence in conclusion, listening is the key component of your digital strategy ensure that it is also a key part of your daily review.

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