Why data driven marketing?

why data driven digital marketing

Why data driven marketing?

Digital age is upon us, and our daily living is getting more and more technology enabled. For businesses, this is a tectonic shift – the market, consumers, competition, suppliers every player in the eco system is embracing it.

Rise of digital marketing

New methods require new learning. Digital marketing has been gathering momentum, and if we do a quick analysis on google trends for the search term “digital marketing”, we see that it has been climbing since 2008.
In this close to a decade adoption of digital mediums for marketing many businesses have flourished, and successfully derived tremendous value from it. The tools, techniques, platforms, and mediums have tremendously evolved in this time and continue to do so.

So, why to do digital marketing is no more a valid question, it is obvious. However, why data driven digital marketing remains to be a very pertinent question every business should answer?

Data driven marketing

Digital marketing is no more a recent technology or new management concept that businesses should experiment with for themselves, it has become the de facto way of marketing which businesses need to use, adopt and master throughout their lifetime. Hence, they need to ask the question – why data driven digital marketing many a times.
This is because, business needs evolve with time, and so should the digital marketing techniques. For example, the below list are all very valid business objectives in the context of marketing:

  • Build awareness
  • Influence consideration
  • Improve online conversions
  • Reposition the brand message
  • Grow loyalty

A business will go through all the above phases, and may be even have a circuitous path one step at a time. It is very critical that at each step the objective is aligned to the data, tools, techniques, platforms, and mediums used for digital marketing.

In conclusion, as a business before you set out to spend , are you asking, “Why digital marketing?”


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